Fact Sheet: Products

MUJI is known worldwide for its simple, well-designed products across categories. Below are some of MUJI’s most iconic products across the years, as outlined by MUJI Advisory Board Member Naoto Fukasawa, who has been involved with design across the brand for over two decades.

“Industries have always been categorized as, for example, appliances or daily goods. At MUJI, however, there are no categories. Therefore, we design based on the idea that home appliances will be intermingled with daily goods.” - Naoto Fukasawa, MUJI Advisory Board Member

MUJI Kitchen Products

MUJI kitchen products range from tableware to toasters to rice cookers and blenders and more.

Naoto Fukasawa on MUJI kitchen products: “I also designed MUJI kitchen appliances. We could, for example, conceptualize it like this: on the far left is the wall and on the far right is a person. The far left wall is squared and the objects gradually get rounder as they get closer to the person. This is the general idea.

Products are categorized based on this scale that we’ve plotted. Based on this definition, we are able to make decisions about the overall shape of the products, such as how square or round each should be. So, while the refrigerator is squared due to it being closest to the wall, these parts of the microwave are slightly softer. MUJI designs the overall shape while taking into consideration the inevitability of such form. This is important.”

MUJI School & Office Products

MUJI is well known worldwide for a satisfying array of stationery, pens, and office supplies, each delightful in its simplicity.

Naoto Fukasawa commented on the MUJI business card case: “In terms of processing and materials, MUJI chooses the easiest processing methods and the materials that are ’Just Right.’ This is a business card case. Using the simplest methods possible to make products — this is the MUJI principle. As a result, MUJI offers a very compact lifestyle without things being too big.”

MUJI Home Products

A brand centered on quality of life, MUJI’s core offerings center around the home, known for affordable, simple, and beautifully designed products such as the Aroma Diffuser and the Body Fit Cushion.

Naoto Fukasawa: “How happy you are in your daily life is what is most important to MUJI.”

An iconic early design for the home was a wall mounted CD Player, as Naoto Fukasawa describes: “The first thing I designed for MUJI was this CD player. Everything in our lives is integrated. In other words, unified. It’s not just a

thing. You pull the string and the music flows out as air flows. It’s the entire physical sensation. From the perspective of MUJI fulfilling the consideration aspect of this experience, I think this CD player expresses this thought in a straightforward way.”

MUJI Travel Products/MUJI to Go

MUJI to Go is an essential area of MUJI products, providing supplies to make travel easy and simple, from suitcases to travel organization and kits.

Naoto Fukasawa: “The concept is that all of the

happiness of your daily life is contained within this suitcase. I believe that the peace people find in daily life comes from the repetition of daily routines, which brings about a steady mind. Clean up after use. Wash when things get dirty. Throw away when you accumulate too much. Don’t buy if you aren’t sure. I think this kind of repetition helps maintain a very calm spirit. I believe every product in its own way expresses the richness of having the bare minimum.”

MUJI Apparel

MUJI provides essential, no-frills apparel that has become the staple of closets worldwide, offering basics that suit the exact need of the wearer and are comfortable, practical, and durable.

The right-angled socks are a classic example of MUJI’s expert, simple, and affordable designs, but the brand also provides a wide array of apparel from slippers to shirts, pants, pajamas, and more. The right- angled socks distinguished by their smart, simple, and economical design, with a 90-degree angle heel pocket that fits the natural curve of the heel, and stays in place without bunching or slipping.

MUJI Wellness

A growing and increasingly popular area of MUJI products live within the wellness arena. With skincare lines and serums and cotton pads known for their gentleness, simplicity, and affordability, this is an area that MUJI is increasingly well known for, and the products that are produced in Japan with water sourced from Mt. Omine in Japan -- which is naturally filtered over years through layers of bedrock, resulting in an ultra-soft, easily absorbed water with a pH balance most suitable for skin -- are particularly popular.

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MUJI is a global retailer of high-quality, simple products across categories -- from homewares to fashion to wellness and more -- that provide satisfying, expertly-designed solutions for everyday needs.  MUJI’s full name, Mujirushi Ryohin, loosely translates to "No-Brand, Quality Goods", underscoring its enduring commitment to modesty, affordability, and quality.  There is a magic in something that is an everyday, utilitarian object that is just right and perfectly designed for its exact purpose -- no more, no less, but just enough. That feeling of magic is MUJI.

Established in Japan in 1980, MUJI has steadily grown as the go-to brand for millions of loyal customers in 33 countries around the world offering over 7,000 products.  An affordable brand for basics across categories -- from toothbrushes to ladles to pens to aroma diffusers to slippers to chairs and more -- MUJI’s products are always always handsome, durable, and reliable, created to enable customers to live better, simpler, easier lives. While varying significantly in purpose and use, MUJI products are marked by the quality, craftsmanship, knowledge, expertise, and skill that is embodied in being able to get something very simple very right.


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